International law 2


Committee: International law

Topic Area B: Eliminating sex trafficking and illegal circulation of pornographic material, such as child pornography.

Sponsored by: China

Submitted by: Iceland, Brazil, Sweden, Mexico, UAE, DPR of Korea, South Africa, Cyprus, Fiji, Malaysia, Tunisia, Haiti, Denmark, Monaco, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, Luxembourg, Viet Nam, Belarus

The International law committee,

Acknowledging that sex trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation, a modern-day form of slavery.

Noting further that traffickers use various methods to maintain control over the victims, including force, sexual assault and threats of violence. Trafficking in persons may occur across or within boarders, often involves, extensive organized crime networks and is clearly a violation of basic human rights of its victims.

Realizing that child pornography is a growing problem for the countries around the globe.

Realizing that effective action to prevent and combat trafficking in persons and the sex exploitation requires a comprehensive international approach on the countries of origin, transit and destination.

Encourages all countries to make an effort to enhance areas, such as education, social or cultural development, to discourage the demand that fosters all forms of exploitation of person that leads to trafficking.

Calls upon all members of the United Nations, on the basics of Human Rights to successfully adopt measures to prevent and punish traffickers but also protect the human victims and their internationally recognized rights.

Recommends state’s funding to create organizations that are going to provide physical, psychological and social recovery of victims.

Encourages all members-states to hold awareness raising programs in select provinces of anti-trafficking strategies, victim protection, and relevant legislation,

Invites governments to encourage media providers, including Internet service providers, to adopt or strengthen self-regulatory measures to promote the responsible use of media, particularly the Internet, with a view to eliminating the exploitation of women and children, which could foster trafficking,

Recommends to further strengthen the International Organizations and agencies, regional organizations and arrangements and the United Nations, in order to eliminating sex trafficking and illegal circulation of pornografiphic material.

Use the contributions raised, for prevention and awareness programs for children and young people at risk, and to bring immediate relief to those who have been affected by atrocious people.

Raise public awareness on the extent of all forms of sexual violence against children and women

Calls upon all States protect affectively the human rights and eliminate sex trafficking and illegal circulation.

to young people under the age of 18. Any person who imports or is in possession of photographs, films or comparable items depicting children in a sexual or obscene manner liable to a penalty.

Urges all member-states to accept the universal decision for the circulation of pornographic material and sex trafficking, as well as the proposes of all the countries that have submitted into this resolution.

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