ECOSOC Final Resolution

Committee: Economic and Social

Topic Area B: Global partnership to combat the spread of diseases.

Sponsored by: United Kingdom

Submitted by: Canada, Japan, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, South Africa, Georgia, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Armenia

The Economic and Social committee,

Considering that infectious diseases remain major threats to the health and well-being of the human population as they have become substantial causes of morbidity, disability and mortality.

Fully aware of article 3 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that everyone has the right to live and thus recognizing that this right should be preserved

Alarmed by climate change and fully aware that it might affect the introduction and dissemination of many serious infectious diseases and cause an increase of incidences.

Recalling the 1994 Hantavirus [the previous step of yellow fever begin from Japan] outbreak in the Southwest U.S and suggesting how global climate change can lead to rapid spread of diseases.

Acknowledging that a warmer world helps a wide range of insects that carry serious diseases to expand. As we have an increase of bacteria and viruses.

Acknowledging the world health report on 23rd August 2007 in Geneva, which states that more than at any previous time in history, global public health security depends on international cooperation and the willingness of all countries to act effectively in tackling new and emerging threats.

Urges National Health Organizations to cooperate on the basis of exchange valuable information and scientific knowledge in order to succeed in the combat against deadly diseases.

The United Nations calls upon every developed country and non-profit organizations to help financially in order to combat the spread of diseases in developing countries.

Supports the financing of scientific research by National Governments and international organizations so as National Health Systems to be provided with the proper vaccination and medicines on time.

Expresses a conviction that global partnership to combat the spread of diseases must be reinforced and promoted by: the full implementation of the revised International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) by all countries.

Recommends the open sharing of knowledge, technologies and materials, including viruses and other laboratory samples, necessary to optimize secure global public health.

Agrees with improving access to family planning, counseling commodities, sexual and reproductive health services.

Considers supporting appropriate and timely antenatal, obstetric, and post-partum care of mothers and newborns.

Draws attention to strengthening health systems as whole to support the delivery of proven services at a community level.

Encourages greater accessibility to life-saving drugs, greater reach for treatment programs, greater reach for prevention and support initiatives.

Further invites the United Nations to prevent and control high-burden, poverty-linked diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS.

Strongly support the improvement of infant and child health , sexual and reproductive health, food security and nutrition and reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality.

Requests a global alliance that will halt and begin to reserve the spread of HIV/AIDS as well as the incidence of malaria and other major diseases.

Suggests putting , more pressure from public-health advocates on governments to ensure that their policies do not undermine the efforts of other governments to improve public health.

Calls upon all states to develop primary healthcare systems to ensure universal coverage for essential health survives, including for poor and underserved populations in rural areas and urban slums. So, it is also important to follow these general rules of hygience in developed mostly

Finally, diseases that are spread via the air , such as colds, are probably the most difficult to prevent. However, it is possible to control the spread of these germs by

· Providing care in well-ventilated areas

· Using disposable tissues and depositing soiled tissues in convered containers

· Washing toys and eating utensils thoroughly an frequently

· Laundering bed linens between use by different children

As a conclusion, we are welcoming a coalition of action that will reduce the epidemic of chronic disease and will help ensure a fair , healthy and prosperous world the incidence of malaria and other major diseases.

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