Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure
Clarification of the quorum: When the session starts the chairs will clarify the quorum by a roll-call procedure. Each delegate should raise his plaque card and state present.

Motion to set the agenda: Since there is one topic area in each committee, the agenda is set to the topic area of the committee by the chairs.

Motion to establish a speakers’ list: Before the discussion starts, a delegate should entertain a motion to establish a speakers’ list, which is a formal debate. The delegate should also suggest the individual speaker's time. When the motion passes chairs will ask for those who would like to be added on the speakers’ list. Delegates can also be added to the speakers’ list by sending a note to the chairs.
When the delegate concludes his/her speech, he/she could yield his/her remaining time a)to the board b)to another speaker c)to questions.

Motion for a moderated caucus: When the floor is open, a delegate can entertain a motion for a moderated caucus, which is an informal debate. The total duration, the speaker’s time and the exact topic of the caucus should also be defined. During the moderated caucus there are no points of information.

Motion for an unmoderated caucus: When the floor is open, a delegate can entertain a motion for an unmoderated caucus which is an informal debate on a specific topic. The total duration and the exact topic of the caucus should also be defined.

Motion to Introduce a Draft resolution: When the floor is open the sponsor of a draft resolution can entertain a motion to introduce a draft resolution. A draft resolution must be submitted by at least the 1/5 of the delegates of the committee. If the chairs accept the motion, they will ask for the sponsor to read only the operative clauses of the resolution.After this, the sponsor is obliged to accept questions if there are any. Then, chairs will accept speakers in favor and against the resolution. Those speakers are not able to accept questions.

Motion for a friendly amendment: The sponsor can send the chair correction of the resolution that will pass automatically. Moreover, any delegate can send grammatical corrections that will pass automatically, too.

Motion for an unfriendly amendment: Every delegate can suggest corrections about the resolution by sending a note to the chairs. An unfriendly amendment should be submitted by the 1/8 of the delegates of the committee. Chairs will ask the delegate to read the amendment and then delegates should vote for it (in favor or against).

Motion to close the debate: When all the submitted drafts are discussed, chairs will automatically entertain a motion to close the debate. Then there is a voting procedure for each resolution. Delegates can vote for, against or abstain. A resolution passes if it is voted by at least the ½ of the delegates of the committee. Only one resolution can pass.

Motion for a Roll - Call Vote: The Board will call the countries one by one to to vote. It passes automatically.

Motion to Divide the Question: When delegates want to vote on some clauses separately. This motion requires 2/3 majority and it is up to the discretion of the President to recognize one speaker in favor and one against of this motion.

 Points & Rights
Point of Personal Privilege: It is applied if a delegate feels discomfort. It is usually used to ask a delegate to speak up and if the delegate would like to use the bathroom. It is recommended that if a delegate would like to use the bathroom to send a note to the chairs. It is the only point that can interrupt a speaker.

Point of Parliamentary Inquiry: It can be used if a delegate would like to ask the chairs upon the rules or the procedure.

Point of Order: If a delegate feels that chairs have made a misuse of the rules.

Right of Reply: It is used when a delegate feels that his/her country has been insulted in order to make a statement and express his/her complain.

Point of Information: It is the right to ask a question. It is used only when the rules permit it.
General Assembly’s Rules
First of all, the board of the G.A. will clarify the quorum by a roll-call procedure. Each ambassador should raise his plaque card and state present. Then, the G.A. will separately discuss each committee’s resolution. To begin with, the board will ask for the sponsor of the resolution to read the operative clauses of the resolution. At this point, the sponsor is open to answer questions, if there are any and if he/she wants to do so. After this, the board will call for speakers in favor and against the resolution. These speakers are also open to answer questions. In the end, the Board will automatically proceed to voting. Ambassadors can vote for, against or abstain.    
It must be noticed that the resolutions of UNESCO, WHO and ECOSOC are not discussed in the G.A. and they will only be voted by the G.A. It is also noticed that the Security Council does not participate in the G.A. The resolution of the Security Council is only read in the G.A.

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