International law 1


Committee: International law

Topic Area B: Situation of Roma, Sinti, Gypsies and Travellers at international level; preventive measures against discrimination of ethnic minorities.

Sponsored by: USA

Submitted by: UK , Ireland, Hellas , Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, Malta, Egypt, The Netherlands, Slovakia, New Zealand, Somalia, Serbia, Chile, Croatia, Germany Georgia, Israel,

The International law committee,

Recommends that all states should recognize the right of every person belonging to a national minority to freely close to be treated or not to be treated us such and no disadvantage shall result from this choice or from the exercise of the rights which are connected to that choice.

Ensures that there is a clear understanding from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities of the benefits of school education and host meetings with parents from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller with the aim to help parents have high expectations of their children and motivate them to develop their range of skills.

Strongly Affirms that new national laws: (a) Amended to allow for the participation in policing of minorities who are non-citizens, (b) Well-integrated training on human rights in police academies.

Encourages the media to promote equal access to and participation in the media for the Roma/Gypsies/Sinti / Travellers, as well as to protect them from racist, stereotypical and discriminatory media reporting, and calls upon States to facilitate the media’s efforts in this regard.

Urges all member states to introduce in their law systems for Human Rights sanctions that will prevent any biased attitudes against Roma and Gypsy populations.

Urges the States to take the necessary steps to meet the accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers, in consultation with the persons concerned and provide Gypsies and Travellers with greater access to support in securing the legal protection of their rights.

Encourages proactive efforts to support schools to mainstream a quality and diversity issues throughout the curriculum.

Requests the governments all over the world not to block the publication of documents ,such identity ,passport or types of allowances that may belong to members of minorities.

Instructs all States to recognize , highlight and value the cultural diversity of minority ethnic communities by organizes exhibitions and fairs , awards ceremonies , cultural galas, film festivals and music , aims to promote awareness of contribution of minority ethnic communities .

Invites all countries to organize a nationwide campaign in order to raise awareness about the Roma , Sinti and Gypsies of the world and their culture through the ages.

Requires from all governments to support the establishment of an international organization that will ensure the prevention of any kind of maltreatment of Romani people as well as any violation of their legal rights.

Recommends that independent advocacy services are available to all those that require them; advocacy services for ethnic minority people have been identified as an area that requires development ans this is being addressed.

Accepts the health status of Travellers and the factors influencing their health and highlights the barriers to access , participation and outcomes from health services .

Urges States to condemn any discriminating behavior by government officials , the police force or any authority figures in general and suggests severe and exemplary punishment in case conduct .

Instructs all governments to provide opportunities for the Gypsy people to discover their abilities and to support any Roma community trade actions in order to give them a chance to find a legal job as well as support the host county’s economy.

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